Request A Free Consultation (626) 796-7470


We Help Victims Get Due Compensation

Dealing with harassment on the job can be one of the most stressful situations that an employee has to endure. Because employees are often unable to control the conditions under which they work, and with whom they work, harassment can become unavoidable through no fault of the employee.

Employers may also be unsympathetic and do little to correct the situation; indeed, they may be the very source of the harassment or additional harassment when the employee complains. Because employees are tied to a job or position for any number of professional and financial reasons, the harassment and consequences of the harassment can persist at great mental, physical, and financial cost to the employee.

Fortunately, California law provides strong protections to employees victimized by harassment, and those employees may pursue a harassment claim against their employers, entitling them to various forms of compensation. Under the California Fair Employment & Housing Act, it is unlawful for an employer or individual to harass an employee because of that employee's race, religion, color, national ancestry, physical or mental disability, medical condition, marital status, sex, age, or sexual orientation. In order to pursue a successful harassment claim on any of those bases, the harassment must be sufficiently severe or pervasive such that it alters the conditions of employment and creates a hostile working environment.

California law defines harassment on the basis of sex to include sexual harassment, gender harassment and harassment because of pregnancy, childbirth or related medical conditions. Prohibited sexual harassment includes making unwanted sexual advances and making or threatening reprisals if such advances are denied; offering any kind of employment as a quid pro quo for sexual favors; unwanted physical touching; and verbal and visual conduct of an overly sexual nature. While the specific individual conducting the harassment may be personally liable, the employer may also be liable for damages where the employer knew of the harassment and/or did not take sufficient steps to prevent the harassment.

If you have been the victim of harassment on the job, it can be easy to feel discouraged or as if you have no options to remedy your situation. You may also feel anxiety over the financial security of you and your family, and that trying to hold the parties who have unlawfully harassed you accountable may only make things worse. Rest assured, however, that the law is on the side of those who have been victimized by unlawful harassment.

Pasadena employment attorney Brian Vogel has 27 years of civil litigation experience, the last 8 of which have focused on protecting the employment rights of workers, and he has helped to restore the dignity of workers who have suffered harassment while holding employers accountable for their unlawful actions and working to prevent other similarly situated employees from having to suffer the same type of harassment in the future.

At Vogel Law, APC, we work with employees who have unfortunately become the victim of harassment carried out by or permitted by their employers. If you or someone you love has been the victim of harassment on the job in California, contact Pasadena employment law attorney Brian Vogel, who will fight to protect your rights under state and federal employment law and get the compensation you are rightly owed. For a free consultation, call (626) 796‐7470.

Here To Help

Mr. Vogel was there every step of the way to help guide and encourage me and to patiently answer my questions. If you are looking for a professional, compassionate and tough minded attorney, I strongly endorse Mr. Vogel.
